Vision | Mission | Values

Our Vision

We are a progressive faith community  where people can discover, grow and celebrate their own personal spiritual journeys in the loving support of an open and affirming community.

Our Mission

We provide religious services including worship, spiritual and pastoral care, as well as other helping ministries to our congregation and the wider community.

In particular we serve all those who desire to freely discover,develop and celebrate their own personal sense of spirituality and their ongoing relationship with The Divine as they understand that to be.

We will utilise both physical and digital venues, that is gathering either in person or through various digital platforms. We operate within a broad “Open Christian” framework, always allowing for wisdom from other religious and/or secular sources.

In particular we serve all those who desire to freely discover, develop and celebrate their own personal sense of spirituality and their ongong relationship with The Divine as they understand that to be.

We will utilise both physical and digital venues, that is gathering either in person or through various digital platforms. We operate within a broad “Open” Christian framework, always allowing for wisdom from other religious and/or secular sources.

Our Values

As a faith community, we value:

  • The freedom to individually search for, develop, and express our own sense of personal spirituality.
  • The companionship and support for each other on that journey.
  • Love and concern for each other and for all humanity and our resulting individual and collective efforts to express it.
  • Love and concern for creation through our individual and collective efforts in acknowledging our stewardship of this planet – our collective home.

Our Place as a community of faith… 

  • Within Irish Unitarians and the broader worldwide Unitarian community.
  • Within Irish and progressive Christian traditions.
  • Among all of the worlds great religions.

We offer a warm, inclusive, and affirming welcome to all who share these values and loving friendship to our neighbours who may not.