
About Us

Thank you for your interest and we are glad to share. You are most welcome to come by and visit us in person or online. Ultimately person-to-person is how we best get to truly know each other. Short of that, we can still tell you a bit about ourselves. Here is a quick guide: 

  • Privacy Policy – GDPR privacy information about this web site
  • Contact Us – Our electronic and physical contact information
  • Our Community – Information on some of the people who have and are involved in this church
  • Local History – The story of the Unitarian church in Cork
  • Unitarian History – A brief overview of the Unitarian movement
  • Famous Unitarians – Some interesting people who have shared Unitarian experiences
  • Unitarian Humour – Insights into us from how we laugh at ourselves
  • FAQ – Common questions that we get asked
  • Ideals – Some of the concepts that we hold dear

Or, you can just search our site to find what you are looking for.