Demystifying Mysticism

Course Objectives:

After having completed this course you should be able to:

  1. Understand and appreciate the historical presence and development of mysticism in western Christianity
  2. Recognise and appreciate the tendencies (or lack of tendencies) towards mysticism in yourself and others
  3. Apply your knowledge to make useful contributions to discussion about mysticism within you own church community
  4. Apply your knowledge to make discernments about any future Christian mysticism training or practices that you might later consider

Organisation of Content:

This course is organised into four main sections with multiple assignments (i.e. classes) within them. The four sections are:

  • Introduction & Basics (6 classes)
  • Modern Interpretive Frameworks (3 classes)
  • A Brief Chronological Sampler (9 classes)
  • Modern Revival Examples (4 classes)

So, if you completed an assignment every two weeks, the entire course would take just under a year to complete.

Course Delivery Method:

About the course authors:

This course is designed by the Ministry Development Team of Cork Unitarian Church. The primary editor is Br. Neal Dunnigan, OEF. His contact information is: [email protected]