Special Occasions

There are many people, events, and ideals that are worthy of celebrating or commemorating. Many more than the traditional major life events of weddings, christening, and funerals. 

Some of these are personal events such as graduations, career appointments, or other significant achievements and life changes. Perhaps setting a new goal or completing an old one. It does not matter, it is you milestone and you know how you want to mark it.

Some of these involve groups of people who share common challenges or goals. The group might be a volunteer group or a business, or a professional association. Such events may honour colleagues, bring focus to a particular cause, or even signify the beginning or end of some season.

In either case, the meaningfulness of such celebrations / commemorations can often be enhanced by including a spiritual dimension and holding them in a sacred space like Cork Unitarian Church.

Our convenient location in Cork Centre City provides easy access to our venue and many choices for post-event celebrations or gatherings.

You need not be a member of the Cork Unitarian Church to celebrate your special occasion at Cork Unitarian Church. Please note that we are not a commercial enterprise and we would not be able to provide use of our sacred space for life event celebrations that are contrary to our core values.

For more information on holding your special occasion commemoration at Cork Unitarian Church, contact our minister by E-Mail at: ​​[email protected] or give him a call at : 087.953.9998