Relic of St Brigid in Lisbon

Relic of St Brigid in Lisbon Read More »
Relic of St Brigid in Lisbon Read More »
First Outdoor Service of the Year Read More »
During Sunday Service, our 1st reading is always chosen and read by a member of the congregation. On Sunday 1st of May, church member Bernice Landers read for us her self composed poem. It is reproduced here with permission.
Shattered walls come tumbling down, people screaming, running around.
Four men injured, two stable, two dead.
The story on the news for one week or two, soon the war forgotten for something new.
A child cries out in anguish and pain, as a bomb goes off and her father is slain.
They don’t care that she sees with young eyes, the faces that for the rest of her life she’ll despise,
That millions of people just like this child grow to feel anger and hatred inside.
Russia, what’s happened, what have you done, where’s your sense of humanity gone?
Innocent people permanently scarred, killed in their beds; bombed in their cars.
While invading Ukraine with no just cause, killing civilians, breaking all laws
Nothing left behind but a country in pain, all because of a madman, so arrogant and so vain.
Parishioner’s Poem For Ukraine Read More »
During Covid, like everyone else, we had to adapt and like many others took ourselves on-line and entered a whole new reality. Today, we have a ” blended” congregation as those in the building are joined by our friends on-line. We have people joining us from all over Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Brazil and the USA and those are just the ones we know about! Make no mistake, its great and we have embraced it with gusto! When I was a young lad, a neighbour of ours at home used to say; ” you’d never buy a horse without seeing it first!”.
Now that we ever emerging from Covid, there is nothing like the human contact we all missed so much. So, while we love having our on-line congregants, if you can, if you live near enough, why not pop in and see us in person some Sunday. We are a friendly, easy going bunch, we don’t take ourselves that seriously and when it comes to God, faith, religion and church; we are just about as diverse as you can possibly imagine and yet it works!
You’d never buy a horse without seeing it!! Read More »
On Thursday 14th April we had two visitors to the church whose family is very much a part of our recent history. Ciara and Eoghann Menzies from Perthshire in Scotland are the great grandchildren of The Rev. William Weatherall who was minister of this church from 1913 until his retirement in 1954. As minister he served during both world wars, the battle for Independence, the burning of Patrick St and the emergence of the Free state. Rev William died in 1956 and was laid to rest in Moira, Co. Down. It was wonderful to meet and host them, providing yet another living link to the rich 305 year old history of our church.
Ancestral Visitors Read More »
As part of a reconfiguration of the space within our historic building work was done on a new office for the minister, a new slimline kitchen and a new chapel. Work begun in late February and saw the transfer of the kitchen over to the opposite side of the building. The work was done mainly by our minister and church committee members; Neal Dunnigan and Pearse O ‘Donoghue. The first service in the new chapel was held on 10th April and in May there will be an official blessing and dedication of the space. In opening the new chapel we have to acknowledge the fantastic generosity and help of our neighbour; Sean Keohane, without whom this would not have been possible. We would like also to acknowledge the great help received from Pat McDonnell paints and all at Carpets and Tiles in Ballincollig.
On Sunday the 7th of November, we were joined by The Rev Mark Hutchinson. Mark is minister of Evesham and Cheltenham Unitarian churches in England. Mark preached on climate change, focussing on COP26 and the need for us to make even small changes in our lifestyles. Our service also saw church member Walter McGuire, read the 1st reading which was a heartfelt piece about why he chose to be a Unitarian. The full service, which was led by our minister can be seen on the church Facebook page. #unitarianchurchcork
Rev Mark Preaches! Read More »
In November we have two guest preachers. On the 7th, Rev Mark Hutchinson, a Unitarian minister based in the Cotswolds in the UK and on the 28th Rev Jarek Kubacki who is a minister of the Liberal Community of Faith working in parish ministry in the city of Beverwijk the Netherlands. As always services will be a blended gathering; in person and broadcast live on our Facebook and You Tube channels. Both services will be led by our minister, Rev Mike O’Sullivan. Sunday Service is at 11am. #unitarianchurchcork
Guest Preachers in November Read More »
On Sunday 3rd October, we celebrate our annual harvest service. The service will be led by the minister and the address will be given by Michael Farar a local farmer. Service starts at 11 and will be a blended in person and on-line celebration. On-line the service is available on our Facebook page and You Tube channel.