Church membership can mean many different things:
- Identification – This is how we see ourselves and how others see us as a church member. Does being a member member of a particular church/religion make us feel proud, happy, validated, set apart, saved, etc.? We know you are special and we like our members to identify as Unitarians. We also know that many of our people don’t like labels or bing put into boxes. Also, our Unitarians are encouraged to have their own individual ideas on theological matters. So often rather than saying “I’m a Unitarian”, many of our congregants would more discretely say “I go to the Unitarian church” or “I belong to the Unitarian church”. That is because, for us, it is an identification based on association, rather than beliefs.
- Participation – People are free to participate selectively in church worship services and other church activities. We don’t have one particular way of participating in the church. Some people attend Sunday services in person, while others attend on-line. People can participate when they can with the frequency that they desire.
- Obligations – The only thing that is required is tolerance of our freedom as expressed in our vision, mission, and values. That covenant agreement extends only during that period of time that you wish to be a member. There are nothing legalistically perpetual or even life long in our church association with each other. We are not held to any creedal beliefs, rituals, or behaviours under a divine or church authority.
- Commitment –